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20th November 2014
November is Asbestos Awareness Month & Asbestos Awareness Day is Friday 28th November.
One in three Australian homes contains asbestos. Asbestos is not just found in fibro homes, it is also present in many brick, weatherboard, clad & fibro homes that were built or renovated prior to 1987.
Asbestos can be present in & under floor coverings such as carpet, linoleum & vinyl tiles, behind wall & floor tiles, in cement floors, internal & external walls, ceilings, ceiling space (in the form of insulation), eaves, garages, sheds, around hot water pipes, in window putty, to name just a few. It can also often be found buried under the house as it was once common practice for builders to bury broken asbestos materials on building sites. This buried asbestos can be exposed when you are gardening, digging fence post holes or if you decide to renovate or redevelop.
You cannot tell by visual inspection if a product contains asbestos, it must be tested by an accredited laboratory for correct identification. If you are unsure if a product may contain asbestos, you should always treat the material as if it is asbestos & take precautions to ensure you are not exposed. A licenced asbestos removalist can arrange for testing of a sample to identify asbestos containing materials & All Areas Demolition Excavation is a licenced asbestos removalist. We are more than happy to assist with the taking of samples & having the sample tested for asbestos.
If you are considering undertaking renovations to your home & you suspect that there may be asbestos containing materials, please call All Areas Demolition Excavation on 6654 9417 to arrange for a sample to be taken & tested.
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